Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7th CTJ Seminar

I prepared this blog in April 2009 as a follow-up reference for the 7th CTJ Seminar. Well, things didn't turn out as I expected and unfortunately I wasn't able to present at the seminar. Nevertheless, I'd like to share this list of webtools I had assembled. I'd like to wish everyone a wonderful learning time. The Casa Thomas Jefferson Seminar is one of the best for EFL teachers in Brazil. You can check the program below.


Silvana said...

Ana Maria:

Your blog and the tools you are presenting are great. I wish to visit Casa Thomas Jefferson since this was the first school to take part in a project i facilitate called My School, Your School. I know teachers there do a fantastic job with thier students.

Silvana Carnicero (a lurker in LWC)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment, Silvana. Teachers at Thomas Jefferson do an excellent job.